Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A good point made by the Bayou Renaissance Man

 I came across this posting from Peter regarding the fragility of our infrastructure, which made me think of the potential for mayhem here in Sin City.

Contrary to popular belief, Hoover Dam only provides a small portion of electricity for the Las Vegas area; most of our power comes from natural gas turbine generator plants, with a bit of solar and geothermal power generation thrown in.  The natural gas supply mostly comes from western Texas and eastern New Mexico via pipelines thru Arizona, and IIRC there's also one coming from Wyoming via Utah.  Altogether, those are vulnerable to disruption from natural disaster, malevolent actors, etc.

Water is also an issue as almost all of it is pumped from Lake Mead, and over 90% of what we take out is put back in after it's treated.  Granted, it's still vulnerable to various things, and lord help us if the pumps fail.  The fabled Las Vegas Springs are just a memory as they literally stopped being a source of water here after the 1950's.

And since Clark County has been pretty much a big D stronghold since before I moved here (in 1991), expect the usual mindset from similar voices in other dastardly D areas.

Prep quietly, keep things low key, and keep your powder dry (easy to do with all the heat).

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Another year older, yay me

 Today is another year passed since I started on this earth.

Hard to believe that I am now 55, I feel as horny as 25 (or 15 for that matter), and goes to show age can really be just a number.

By coincidence, an old acquaintance from my high school days came up to visit for a couple of days, and last night I took her down to Fremont Street, and had a chance to finally go into the Circa Hotel-Casino which I meant to go visit since they opened about 2 years ago.  Wasn't too bad, plenty of eye-candy to behold both inside and outside.  After extricating from there, I took her down on a cruise of the Strip, and it was typical assholes-and-elbows traffic even at 00-dark-30 on a Saturday night/Sunday morning.

Gave me a chance for one more look at the Mirage before they close up on the 17th of this month.  Sad to see an icon go, but change is the name of the game here in town.

Tonight, back to the grind.  At least I'll have my regular partner back with me on shift this week.