Being by myself has its own unique advantages. No others around to mess things up and move stuff out of place. Having the ability to play whatever music I want to hear (currently have the TV on DirecTV channel 884, "Tranquility") and help pass the time. No one else hogging up the bandwidth watching endless Netflix.
Also, since it is just me, myself, and I, there is also no excuse for me to not keep things clean. I have learned that having the self-discipline to keep yourself and your living spaces clean and tidy is not very easy. The temptation to just lay around and vege is often a powerful one. Fortunately I don't usually like to just sit around; being active is my raison d'etre for who I am and what I enjoy doing.
The key thing to remember when cleaning is always make sure you work in a pattern. In my apartment, the floors are all wood vinyl, which makes sweeping easy as I just imagine the pattern and superimpose it on the 'planks' on the flooring. This way I usually can have the entire place done within half an hour or so.
Cleaning the kitchen is also fairly easy, since I have followed my mom's mantra of always having a sink full of hot soapy water ready for the dishes, and when cooking to always cleanup as you go. By the time you're done, you have a minimum of things to clean and can easily get the place back in order so I can park myself on the couch and do some channel surfing.
Sunlight and fresh air are also marvelous things. It helps keep the air fresh, and works wonders at helping minimize bad odors.
Right now, I have just fluffed up the bedsheets and they are about ready to be taken out and folded, while the light-colored clothes in the washer have rinsed earlier this morning and can go in the dryer.
Next is cleaning the bathroom sinks and tub, then the kitchen, and then put a load of darks in the wash. Then I can relax for a bit.
Overall, a good day for me so far other than a slight headache from sleeping too much, but aspirin works wonders...
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