Sunday, March 2, 2014

Helping friends

I've been chatting on Facebook with a former co-worker that is struggling to locate permanent work.  The last time she worked full-time was over 3 years ago, and she's been struggling.

Fortunately one of the departments in IT at my employer has added additional positions, and I told her to apply online and to send me her resume so I can get it to the supervisor.  Hopefully things will work out and she can get on and get her life back on track.

She is a hard-working single mom raising a teenage son by herself, and has been successful (according to her) in keeping her son going down the good path.  So whatever I can do to help her out in getting this position I will do my best.

Now lots of times I have done similar things with people I have known.  Some have worked out well and it's nice to know I made a positive difference and got them back on their path.  Most others, however, have only screwed me over and wound up digging themselves a deeper hole.  At that point I decide to part ways and let them flounder in their misery.  Fair?  Maybe not, but I refuse to put myself in a potential harmful outcome for someone who refuses to wise up and change their nefarious ways.

Trust is often a tricky thing to utilize, and it often depends on the character of the person whom you are extending it to.  I am fortunate in being able to mostly keep on the positive side and have known people that I am ready to extend that to.

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