Thursday, May 5, 2016

Getting caught up

Been kinda remiss about updating the blog, but have had my hands full with personal, educational, and work matters, but now I think I am getting caught up.

On the election front here, looks like The Donald (as Trump was referred to years ago, not sure if he still is), is gonna be the definite Republican nominee for POTUS, while Hillary is of course the D's pick for President.

From what I see, they are both on the very extreme ends of the spectrum.  While Trump seems friendly to conservative and libertarian interests, I keep reminding myself of how things were near the end of the Weimar Republic in Germany.  Meanwhile, Hillary is definitely going to be an issue should she be elected.

Going the third-party route is being explored by Ted Cruz, but I don't think it would help matters. With some polls showing possible Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson pulling double-digits in the polls as a choice, any further muddling of the waters would make things seem like the 2000 election, where we didn't know for weeks who would be elected.

The current system in which the Electorial College winds up picking the winner is definitely in need of overhaul.  The popular vote has lost its meaning and to me now has zero influence on the election results.

More ranting and musing later once I get some sleep...

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